When an event happens in our lives, it happens to our whole being. Our bodies are with us in every moment of our lives. This is why it is impossible to leave the body out of the healing process.
With any event, a feeling, a thought about the event, and a physical sensation is created. The sophisticated neurology that travels within our body is constantly gathering information about what has felt safe and what has not. Our bodies hold the stories of our past and this information is used to navigate our future.
The body focused technique used by Become Counseling Center is Transformative Touch, taught by Noel Wight and Joe Weldon. It accesses and uses the knowledge that is held within the body by combining talk, touch and gentle movement. The places inside of us that have been forgotten, protected or rejected are brought back to the conscious world of the client so to be acknowledged, embraced and healed. When these places are met with compassion and non-judgement, a deeper healing occurs.
Any one dealing with emotional or physical pain will benefit from Transformative Touch. The technique is used to truly listen to the body's stories, memories, fears and hopes. It encourages clients to embrace all of their parts, and they leave a session feeling more embodied, more grounded and more whole.